Korean United Presbyterian Church of Bloomfield

I hope everyone is enjoying the three day weekend as we honor our Presidents of the United States. The three day weekend allows us to reflect and compose ourselves for the upcoming weeks and months of hard work ahead. During the period of reflection, I’d like to recognize one of our most dedicated groups, the Korean United Presbyterian Church of Bloomfield.

The Church group has been coming to our kitchen for sometime now, and they’ve found themselves a home with us. Serving our mission together has been an honor and we love and their assistance. It is always great to see people of different backgrounds come together for a common cause, the one thing that unites us all, the fight against hunger. Newark has been flourishing in recent years, but still some people are left in a bygone era. Those who grew up in a dark and hopeless Newark still suffer regularly. Newark’s dark period seems to be coming to an end, but it will be sometime before those who have been marginalized and forgotten can succeed. We hope that the new industry that comes to Newark can help revitalize the city, reinventing the old industrial powerhouse into a city of opportunity and hope. Unfortunately, that renaissance will take sometime, and in that period we thank those who can provide for those who cannot provide for themselves.

Without groups like Korean United Presbyterian, we may not have the ability to do what we do everyday. As the divide between have and have-nots grows, it is up to us to step in and put an end to that. We thank everyone who recognizes this problem, and together perhaps we can put an end to it.

Anthony Jenner