Saturday's At St. John's Soup Kitchen

We’re always trying to do more at St. John’s Soup Kitchen to provide for those who come to ours doors, and this most recent Saturday was no exception. We had a lot going on this weekend! We had our regularly scheduled St. Al’s group serving meatloaf. Of course, Jersey Cares, was also in the kitchen helping out as they always do. We also had a group of Seton Hall Law Students helping out Sr. Jane over in the women’s center, and outside we had the Gellman Foundation giving away new clothes and shoes. Needless to say, we had a busy, yet wonderfully productive day!

Third Saturday means St. Al’s Meatloaf!

Third Saturday means St. Al’s Meatloaf!


The first thing we like to do in the morning, besides prepare for breakfast, is to make sure everyone knows what we’ll be serving for lunch. This task usually falls to Peter, as he is the tallest member of St. John’s Soup Kitchen. It’s important to keep our guests up to date with what’s to come! Because it was horribly hot this past Saturday, we thought we’d mix it up. So instead of going with the normal pastry and pies for dessert, we went for watermelon. It’s healthy, refreshing, and it’s the perfect treat on a hot, muggy summer day.

Cindy with her Watermelon!

Cindy with her Watermelon!

Making Mashed Potatoes

Making Mashed Potatoes

Cutting Watermelons takes time!

Cutting Watermelons takes time!

Making some progress

Making some progress


While everyone was busily preparing for the meal, an amazing group was beginning to organize their giveaway drive. We want to thank to Gellman Foundation for their wonderful generosity towards the guests of St. John’s. The drive was a massive success and it’s amazing how many people were provided new clothing and shoes. Shoes are a huge need for the guests of St. John’s and those who needed them got a new pair.


Just as the giveaway drive was winding down the kitchen was operating at full steam. The plating began and everyone knew where to be. The meatloaf was hot, the corn was strained and the potatoes were heavy! St. Al’s and Jersey Cares together are an excellent team and made short work of the plating and cooking. Thank you to everyone who came out and made our excellent day even better!


We had an awesome day, and there are so many people to thank. Thank you everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to help those that are less fortunate. To the Gellman Foundation for donating and distributing such an amazing assortment of clothing. St. Al’s and Jersey Cares for preparing and providing the meal. And of course, thank you to those of you from Seton Hall Law School who took time off from studying to hang out with us at St. John’s. See you next time!

Anthony Jenner