Happy New Year!

2020 has been one of the most eventful years at St. John’s in recent memory. The COVID-19 pandemic saw St. John’s face new and uprecedented problems. However, we are happy to say that throughout the year, we have been able to keep our doors open. Even though we have changed how things operate at St. John’s, we still provide our most vital service: meals to those in need. We are thankful for all of those who made that possible. All the hard work from so many has contributed to our ability to operate throughout the year largely unaffected. For that we are extremely grateful.

Hope is yet around the corner, as the vaccine seems to be poised to drastically change how we battle the pandemic. We hope that with this new tool at our disposal that we may once again see volunteers at St. John’s. This may be optimistic at present, but a little hope goes a long way. We hope all of our volunteers prioritize their health and do their best not to put themselves in jeopardy if at all possible.

Although 2020 was a challenging year, there were positives to take away from the year. We witnessed the St. John’s community come together in order to help our guests. When so many were forced to close their doors, we were able to stay opened. It is a reminder to us that our community is strong, and their dedication to our mission is even stronger. We hope to sustain that level of dedication into 2021.

Our mission is only made possible through our amazing community. Thank you everyone and be well.

Anthony Jenner