Thank you to the Tuga Cycling Den of Lions

We are so grateful to the Tuga Cycling Den of Lions for their donation. They are a cycling group located right here in Newark. We are proud and overjoyed to see the local community step up and donate so much food for those that need it most. Over 300lbs of rice, toiletries and other necessities that the soup kitchen uses on a daily basis are much appreciated. We can’t do what we do without you, and this level of community engagement during such uncertain times is heartwarming. We are happy and proud that our community is overcoming adversity, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit us hard. We anticipate a long and fruitful relationship with the Tuga Cycling Den of Lions, they are a cheerful and healthy bunch! Special thanks to Teresa Gloria, Rosa Silva and Manuel Paco for organizing this drive. We look forward to working with them in the future.

We couldn’t do it without you! Thank you and be well!

Anthony Jenner