Thank you Evelyn!


We’d like to extend a very warm thank you to Evelyn for donating her fantastic potato salad for the past 6 months! She has recently retired and as such has focused her time on perfecting and donating her potato salad to local charities in need. You can check her out at to follow all of her amazing efforts to perfect her potato salad. I will say, it is special! We look forward to working with her in the future and are so happy to see more people get involved at St. John’s. We see the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is on the horizon, and as such we hope to see more wonderful people such as herself get involved in donating and participating in the efforts at St. John’s. We have aspirations to provide more services to our guests and the more people we can get involved to help, the more we can all offer to those in need. Thank you Evelyn! You have been a wonderful warm person and a great addition to the St. John’s family!

Anthony Jenner