Thank you to the Blessed Community Church of NJ

Thanks again to our amazing friends at the Blessed Community Church of NJ for all their help! We were so appreciative to see them again and we are extremely grateful that they cooked everything onsite! Starting with the fried eggs that all the wonderful volunteers immediately began work on first thing in the morning! Nothing beats the smell of fried eggs in the morning!


After all the eggs were cooked, it was time for the star of the show and our wonderful friends did not disappoint. They began cooking the beef stir fry with the signature bulgogi sauce. Which has an amazing flavor, and if you’re in the market for a new marinade I would definitely recommend it! It smells amazing and is always a huge hit with the guests of St. John’s!


After all the hard work of cooking was done we were still not finished yet. Plating has to begin at 9:30am sharp so we can be ready to serve by 10:30am! In order to plate over 250 meals, we need a bit of time. So with all the cooking done it was time to begin plating and then the eventually food service! We are so thankful to them for coming in earlier than usual to make sure everything was ready on time for our earlier service schedule. We hope in the near future that we can return to our more typically twice a day service, but until then we look forward to working with them more in the future. As always, thank you everyone and stay well. It was a very successful day at St. John’s and we look forward to many more of them! Thank you! We couldn’t do it without you!!

Anthony Jenner